Mid month update!
Hey all. The launch of Warworld Gaia has been going really well! I wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for your support! Also a reminder, once you’ve finished reading, please leave a review! Besides buying and reading the book, leaving a review is the absolute best way to support independent authors such as…
Launch Day!
Welcome to May 1st and the official launch of book 2 of Captain’s Fate: Warworld Gaia! The book is Free on Kindle Unlimited, or purchase a copy for your pleasure here: Paperback Link E-Book Link I’m so happy to see this book finally get out. My first book, Warship Ares, was much easier for me…
Big May Update
Well, maybe not so big, and a tad later than normal. Between work and getting book 2 ready to go on June 1st, I simply don’t have much time. However, I did want to share the basic cover for book 2! Hope you enjoy it! Reminder, the pre-order for the e-book is currently available on…
Big April Update
Welcome to April 2023! This update is coming in a little late this month, but for good reason. I was waiting till I had a few things happen. 1st Big thing By the end of the day of my posting this, I should have the edits back from my editor for Warworld Gaia! I can’t…
March 2023
Welcome to the big monthly update! Lots of great stuff to cover this month, so let’s jump right in. Biggest news is that Warworld Gaia is now at the editor! Now the waiting game beings. It’s great finding an editor that is excited, maybe more so than me-lol, about my work. I can’t wait to…
Big Feb. 2023 Update
The end is nigh! The end of book 2, that is. As of writing this, I am only twelve chapters away from finishing my last pass through the complete story. Act 2 will be completed by this week. Act 3 will follow, but I am waiting for a couple of beta readers, so I may…
Big Jan 2023 Update!
Happy New Year! Welcome to my big, and I mean big this time, update. Thanks to having some time off this past holiday season, I was able to get a lot of writing done. As I write this, I am taking a break from revising the last chapter of Warworld Gaia. Once I’m done here,…
End of Year!
Welcome to the big update! I missed Nov., sorry for that, too much going on. The great thing is that Warworld Gaia is nearing the finishing stages. At least of the initial writing. I have two more chapters to revise and then a final pass through the whole book. This last pass is to look…
Big October update! First the Good: I’m finishing the second to last chapter of Warworld Gaia this week. The last chapter is easy writing and all plotted out. I know strange since I don’t plot my stories, but it’s been a long time coming and I always knew where this story would end, so there…
Sept 2022
Here is your big Sept. 2022 update. Starting off with a little bit of sad news. I’m going to have to officially push my launch of book 2 into early 2023. I’m halfway through act 3 and if I really pushed, and if my editor got to me quick and everything fell into place, I…
Aug. Update
Big Aug+ update. Didn’t have a proper update for July, so this will serve for that and Aug. July was an interesting time. Acts 1 and 2 have been finished and work is starting on Act 3. I slowed down a little moving into July because work picked up. That doesn’t happen often in my…
July 2022
Big July Update. Well not so big. Sorry I don’t have a lot of time for blog posts, but I wanted to keep everyone up to date. Revisions on Act 2 are near done. If all goes well by the end of this week / early next week. Act 3 is moving along at a…