
  • 4-23-2024

    If you’ve been following, then you’ll be happy to know that my website is back up and running. Server transfer / upgrade is running fine. I’ll be back to my normal posting habits soon. Not much writing has happened while this process was going on, so you didn’t miss much. Time to buckle down and…

  • 4-9-2024

    Notice – I am transferring my website to a new web hosting / servers. While I am trying to make it seamless, there may be difficulties as we go. You can find all active posts on Facebook and Instagram pages: Facebook: Instagram: After the change, I’m working on some exciting new updates! Stay…

  • 3-25-2024

    As I finish my re-write of book 3 chapter 2, something I wrote in my last blog post is really sticking with me. I was trying too hard. I got caught up in being a “writer” and not doing what I do best, telling a fun story. There is a point where you can analyze…

  • 3-15-2024

    This 3rd book is kicking my butt. I had multiple rewrites on the 1st chapter. Realized I needed to change the 3rd chapter to address pacing issues. Now, went back to reference something in the 2nd chapter and found I made a fundamental writing mistake, show don’t tell. Really, I can hear my editor busting…

  • 3-2-2023

    Last couple weeks have been busy. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been with my writing. Regular business, wife and kid away visiting family, me taking care of the dog, TAXES(!) it’s left me scrambling to find some free time. Still, I move forward. Had time to submit a short story to Grimdark Magazine. I wrote it during…

  • 2-24-2024

    I remembering reading that Niel Gaiman basically wrote Coraline on 50 words a day. I feel like that right now with my work. I know where the story is going. It’s on a good track, but man finding the time and energy to write is tough. So many things have to get done this time…

  • 2-5-2024

    I’m doing something with my writing I’ve never had to do before! I’m moving a chapter – lol Many writers will probably smack their head at this, but it’s true. I write my books in order, I never skip chapters. For me, it lets the story grow and progress along a believable track. However, here…

  • 1-26-2024

    Hey all! Sorry, took a brief break from the whole social media thing and updating my blog. Don’t worry, progress on book 3 is still ongoing. Normal work picks up a bit this time of year, and I needed some time for that. I shall return to my normal author type ways and social media…

  • 1-8-2024

    Writing the 3rd book is hard. For the 1st two I wrote with great passion and confidence. Now, I’m second guessing myself. Which isn’t normal for me. So much so that I started adding in things that simply didn’t need to be there. For those that have followed me for a long time, you know…

  • New Year

    Welcome to 2024! Hope everyone had a fabulous holiday! I didn’t get as much writing done as I had hoped because I got sick this holiday season. I did however make some great progress. I finished a short story I’m going to submit this year to a fantasy mag. Different than what I’m writing in…

  • 12-20-2023

    Not sure how much I’m going to post on the website between now and the first of the year. Plan is to be writing like Santa working on his list. With that in mind find me on one of the following social media, give me a follow and join the conversations! Happy Holidays! Facebook:…

  • 12-18-2023

    Did something this weekend I never really do with my writing. I wrote something other than Captain’s Fate! CF has been my life for three years now and I think I needed a break. So I wrote a short story, fantasy based. I plan to submit it to a Mag. next year, after a little…