
Writing continues, simply at a snail’s pace.

It’s times like this that I remind myself that some talented authors have written grand stories at a slow pace. One of my favorite is that Neil Gaiman wrote Coraline with only 50 words a night. Now, I’m definitely no Neil Gaiman, but I use that as inspiration to continue to put words down. A paragraph here, a sentence there. It all moves the story forward to completion.

Maybe some day I’ll be able to write full time. Right now, other things have to take precedent and so I continue to write when and where I can. I’m not really setting deadlines for myself anymore, simply because it’s not realistic. The story will be told when it’s told and I have to accept that. Those that know me know that’s hard for me to do. So I’m still aiming to have it done buy the Thanksgiving – ha.

Thanks for hanging with me. I’ll try to make it worth the wait.