Launch Day!

Welcome to May 1st and the official launch of book 2 of Captain’s Fate: Warworld Gaia! The book is Free on Kindle Unlimited, or purchase a copy for your pleasure here:

Paperback Link

E-Book Link

I’m so happy to see this book finally get out. My first book, Warship Ares, was much easier for me to write because I stuck with big action and a breakneck pace. In book 2, I had to push myself and delve into the characters and story behind it all. I had struggled to figure out how to write those more personal moments and still keep it interesting. It was very much a learning curve. I like to think I did it well in the end, but I guess that’s for others to decide.

I have a new editor for this book, too. Every editor I have ever worked with always brings something new and challenging to the table. Sarah Chron was no different. While she was immensely positive and encouraging with her comments, she also wasn’t afraid to call me out on my weaknesses. I can’t thank her enough for making me a better writer.

Now we are set up for the 3rd and final book of this first series. If you’ve followed me for a long time, you’ll know that Captain’s Fate was supposed to be one book initially. Early on, however, I realized it would be way too massive of a tome for a new author. I sectioned it off and found a formate that I thought worked best. Some parts were dropped and others expanded to give us what we have now. Two books with six acts in total. The last instalment will bring to a close with the last three acts. It also opens the universe up for more tales!

I’m so excited about working on the third book. This is where I wanted to be when I started everything. All my main characters are on stage, with the exception of one. That one is a mystery for now. This last book will have answers to some of the other mysteries laid out through books 1 and 2. We’ll learn more about the Screech, the Keres Incident, EVEs and more. I have some surprises in store that don’t follow the standard tropes that I’ve been playing with so far. I hope you’re along for the ride!

For now, please enjoy Warworld Gaia! Please leave a review, even a simple one. INdie writers such as myself are starving for feed back. Great reviews not only help motivate us but also help our books reach new people! For me, that’s what it’s all about; reaching people and entertaining them. Thank you for your support!

Till the next big update, happy reading!