Big Jan 2023 Update!

Happy New Year! Welcome to my big, and I mean big this time, update.

Thanks to having some time off this past holiday season, I was able to get a lot of writing done. As I write this, I am taking a break from revising the last chapter of Warworld Gaia. Once I’m done here, I’ll finish that. That means this book is done. Done. DONE. Well, almost done.

There are still steps to be made before I can publish. I still have one more pass through the entire book to make. This is where I check for consistency issues; things like making sure character names are correct, their description are accurate, foreshadows, foreshadow and so on. There are also places where I have flesh out technology and double just the small bit of science that leaks in – haha. After that, I will ship it off to an editor, which I still don’t have.

Finding a new editor is my next big task that I will start tackling this week. I needed something finished so I could have an idea on word count and have something to send them. Most editors will give you a sample of their edits of fifty to a hundred words in your document. I prefer to send them a sample of the actual story, then some other piece of work. Once I find someone I can work with, and them me, we are off. Hopefully, I’ll find someone who can get to my work quickly, but that’s out of my hands and I may have to wait.

While waiting, two things will happen. One, I will start to finish up the cover for Warworld Gaia. I have a file sitting on my computer with the initial work already in progress. I haven’t touched it in a while, preferring to focus all my time on writing. Two, I will start writing the third book in the series. The grand final for this adventure!

Might seem like a lot, but it will be a whirlwind once it all starts falling into place. The great news is Warworld Gaia is coming out this year. Sooner rather than later! Thank you all for staying with me. This book is such an exciting ride, and I can’t wait for you to experience the next chapter in the life of Jax and all her friends.

As always, please check back in for the next big update. If you prefer more frequent news, please follow me on Twitter @skip_scherer . You can also find that feed on the first page of my website. Once again, Happy New Year!