Big May Update.
Sorry folks I seemed to have missed the April update. Real life kept me busy with my martial arts school. I was hoping to have Act of book 2 done by May 1. I’m missing that deadline by a couple of days, but nothing major. The end of this act is so exciting. I know some writers can jump around and write chapters as the mood strikes. I’m not one of those – haha. I write in order, so sometimes I must wait to write things that are in my head. Nice thing about that is, I’ve had plenty of time to work it through using my imagination, and rework it, and rework it, that by the time I write it, it requires very little revising later. Too bad the same can’t be said of previous chapters!
Act 3 is going to be so fast to write because of that. Act 3 is one big waypoint for me. I had these entire scenes planned back when I started this series. A few things have changed as I worked thorough the first 2 acts. Details that needed to be adjusted, but the overall structure is in place. I feel like I’m a plotter instead of a discovery writer – haha.
Still staying on track to have book two out this year. Thank you for your support and get ready, it’s going to be a wild ride!
As always see you next month or follow me on Twitter for more ramblings and timely updates! @skip_scherer – Till then be well!