Oct. 2021

I guess I missed the big update for Sept., sorry about that. Normal job has been keeping me busy. Remeber you can always head over to Twitter and catch my small more frequent updates @skip_scherer .

Warworld Gaia continues to move forward. Act 2 is making much better progress than I did on Act 1. One reason is my return to my normal writing method. Wrting and editing as I go works so much better for me. Learning a lot about the planet Gaia in this act and I’m relly enjoying the discovery process. The supporting cast is getting nice screen time too.. Can’t wait to be able to share it with everyone.

At the pace I’m going it looks like next year for a release date. I was hoping to get it out in a years time, but life had other plans. Thanksgiving will be one year for Warship Ares and I just can’t make that. So a year and a half into up to 2 years for this book. Some of that time will depend on my editor’s availability. I’ll update more once I’m deeeper into act 3 of this book, before I give more definitive release plans.

For those finding Jax for the first time. Welcome! Thanks for joining me. I’m working hard on continueing the story, I hope you can stand the wait.

Keep working the plan.