Running a little late on this big monthly update. As a reminder you can see smaller updates, and general ramblings, on my twitter account at @skip_scherer!
Work continues on Act 2 of book 2. The first chapter is a bit of a beast compared to what I normally write. Some of the things happening at the start of this act are things that have been waiting to happen, so they require a little extra attention to make sure I get things right. Also, as I’m writing this chapter, I needed to readjust some of my thought on the next chapters. That’s nothing new since I tend to be a discovery writer and things are always a little fluid as I work towards some set waypoints.
From Act 1 I’ve gotten some feedback from my beta readers and over all nothing I need to worry about – haha. We’ll see what happens as I get more info back in.
That’s it for this month! Writing act 2 should be faster than writing act 1 since I have returned to more preferred writing method. Wish me luck!
As always thanks for sticking around and thanks for your support!