Updates for Feb

So the rebuild of the website is moving forward. I got the basics back up and it is usable now. I’ll slowly be reading some of the other stuff back in as I get time. Going to use this opportunity to update my theme and maybe another couple things I’ve been thinking about. one day at a time.

Warworld Gaia: The second book in the Captain’s Fate Trilogy is moving forward. I have finished my revision to the first chapter! In my first book this was the hardest step for me and it was no different here. Now I should pick up the pace a bit. I have set a goal to finish the first act by the end of this month. Now that I’ve made that public, I have to do it. Just the way I am.

Warship Ares: Continues to do well for a first time, no name author. It’s getting reads on Kindle Unlimited and sales continue to trickle in. Pretty much what I expected and what will continue until I can get the next book into play. Reviews for it stay high and I can’t be more than thankful for it!

Thanks for joining me on my journey. Feel free to catch me on Facebook ro Twitter! I look forward to hearing from you!